As an entrepreneur you have been successful and have built, managed and developed your company over many years.
Now the time has come when you want to or have to withdraw from management and the question arises how to arrange your company succession in the foreseeable future.
Important issues need to be clarified such as:
Or, as an entrepreneur, you are faced with the situation that of several shareholders, one or more would like to resign for reasons of age, strategic reasons or simply because there are different ideas about strategy or company management.
In order to ensure the successful continuation of your company, a succession concept developed at an early stage and its targeted implementation is of existential importance for the long-term successful succession of your company.
Together with you, we work out what is the best long-term choice for your company and your personal goals to ensure "the right" company succession.
Whether an internal or external succession comes into question, with complete or step-by-step transfer of the company shares, whether an external management without transfer of the company shares, or possibly a sale or merger is the right thing to do, all variants are considered and evaluated so that you can make the best decision for you and your company.
After a comprehensive stocktaking, the exact goal and thus also the individual master plan for your company succession is defined and set up together.
In the targeted acquisition and approach of investors and entrepreneurs, we are guided by the defined master plan in order to achieve the best possible result for you with the right potential negotiating partners in a possible sale of your company.
We accompany you throughout the entire project and take care of the success control of the individual steps.
With our holistic approach we accompany and support you, also as a sparring partner in this complex strategic task of company succession.
In most cases, consultants from individual specialist areas only offer a selective consideration within the company succession. With our mixed team of entrepreneurs, auditors, tax consultants and lawyers, we can cover all disciplines fully and effectively.